Established in 2016 by Dr. Neil Spooner, Spooner Bioanalytical Solutions is the partner of choice to provide you and your organisation with world class expertise and support for the development and implementation of novel bioanalytical technologies, instrumentation and workflows and quantitative bioanalytical outsourcing.

Neil Spooner Ph.D., C.Chem., FRSC
Founder and Director of Spooner Bioanalytical Solutions
Dr. Neil Spooner has extensive experience in the quantitative bioanalysis of drugs, metabolites and biomarkers in the pharmaceutical industry and contract research organisations in the UK and USA. In over 20 years of industrial practice, he has led groups operating in the discovery and regulated arenas of clinical and pre-clinical quantitative bioanalysis and metabolite identification. Neil has extensive experience of successfully leading inter departmental and cross functional initiatives, including implementation of new technologies and workflows, outsourcing quantitative bioanalysis, development and implementation of automation approaches and design of new scientific facilities. To ensure success, these projects have required careful planning, in-depth understanding of the issues, close involvement of those that will be most affected by the change, honest and open communication and a recognition that the change involved needs to be handled carefully and courageously to gain acceptance by those involved at all levels.
Dr Spooner, is the Senior Editor of Bioanalysis, the leading Journal for the field of regulated quantitative bioanalysis. Further, he has published extensively, with over 70 peer reviewed manuscripts and more than 50 podium presentations at international Conferences and Symposia. Neil is the Deputy-Chair and Secretary of the Reid Bioanalytical Forum and the Co-Founder of the Patient Centric Sampling Interest Group. In addition, he is a Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the School of Life and Medical Sciences, University of Hertfordshire (Hertfordshire, UK) and is a Chartered Chemist and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Neil is world leading expert in the development and implementation of blood microsampling technologies. He has successfully led cross functional teams that have worked in partnership with vendors to progress and apply novel devices and approaches that are now commercialised and in broad use for clinical and clinical sampling for applications within and beyond drug development. Further, he has actively encouraged, led and participated in, cross company initiatives to enable the broader adoption of microsampling, investigation and implementation of best practice to ensure the benefits are maximised and that the data generated from the samples is of the appropriate acceptable quality.
In addition to microsampling, Neil is recognised as a key opinion leader in the development and implementation of novel bioanalytical technologies and workflows. These include LC-MS/MS, UHPLC, high resolution mass spectrometry and capillary chromatography for quantitative bioanalysis.
Neil is passionate about people development, particularly scientists in the early part of their career. As such, Neil is the Deputy-Chair and Secretary of the Reid Bioanalytical Forum, has supervised Ph.D. students and is a Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Hertfordshire (UK).
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